Friday, May 28, 2010

So True

It's so easy to get wrapped up in the day to day and get tired of it, especially, I think, as a mom of young kids. Will this ever end, we cry?
These lines from an unknown author gave me a much needed reminder:

One of these days you'll shout, "Why don't you kids grow up and act your age?" And they will. Or you'll say, "Kids, get outside and find yourselves something to do, and don't slam the door!" And they won't.
   You'll straighten the boy's bedroom neat and tidy - bumper stickers discarded, spread tucked and smooth, toys displayed on the shelves, hangers in the closet with clothes attached, animals caged - and you'll say out loud, "Now I want it to stay just like this!" And it will.
   You'll prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that hasn't been picked to death and cake with no finger traces in the icing, and you'll say, "Now there's a meal fit for company!" And you will eat alone.
   You'll say, "I want complete privacy while I'm on the phone. No dancing around. No pantomimes. No demolition crews. Silence. Do you hear me?" And you will have it.
   No more plastic place mats stained with spaghetti. No more spreads to protect sofas from damp bottoms and dusty shoes. No more gates to stumble over in the doorway of the baby's room. No more Hot Wheels or Barbie dolls under the couch. No more playpens to arrange a room around.
   No more anxious nights under vaporizer tents. No more cracker curmbs on the sheets. No more wall-to-wall water in the bathroom. No more iron-on patches. No wet, knotted shoelaces, pants with knees out, or rubber bands for pony tails.
   Imagine a lipstick with a point on it, not having to get a baby-sitter for New Year's Eve, family washing only once a week, seeing a steak that isn't ground, marketing with only groceries in the basket. No more PTA meetings. No more car pools. No blaring radios or Sesame Street three times a day. No more washing hair at 9 o'clock at night. And no more wondering, "Where is the family car!" Imagine having your own roll of Scotch tape.
   Think about it. No more Christmas presents made out of construction paper and will-hold glue. No more sloppy oatmeal kisses. No more tooth fairy. No more giggles in the dark. No knees to heal. No responsibility! Only a voice crying, "Why don't you grow up!" And the silence echoing, "I did!"

   Hope this encourages you today.


  1. No, it actually depressed me.. Thanks a That was a reader's digest classic writing sample. You are good Sarah!

  2. Oh, I thought you wrote that Sarah! Just goes to show how much of think of your writing ability. Well, it's still good!

  3. Sarah, it's a good reminder to cherish the present because tomorrow may not come. As a note of encouragement, it's different with adult children but still wonderful. They still make homemade cards and want hugs from mom and dad. The quiet part...well, I'm waiting to see what that's like this fall.
